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Guy Lyman Advertising, Inc.

CyberMedia Uninstaller "Disk Space" Radio 60
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(two 35-ish guys are gleeful, like kids in a candy store.)
(SFX: computer beeps and clicks)
Bill: Kids are gone, got the PC aaaaall to ourselves . . . !
Ted: Been waiting to play this game for a month. Load 'er up! (SFX: CD drawer slides)
Bill: Here, we, GO! (computer error sound; he pauses)


Ted: What'sa matter?
Bill: (reads slowly) "Error: insufficient disk space"??
Ted: Looks like your hard drive is full. What the heck you got in there?
Bill: I don't even know anymore.
Ted: (more clicks) Geez, look at this mess. Old games, Internet downloads, installation files . . . have you ever cleaned this thing out?
Bill: Well . . . I never know what's safe to throw away.
Ted: Guess you don't have Uninstaller.
Bill: Uninstaller?
Ted: Yeah, Uninstaller, from CyberMedia. You just tell it how much disk space you want to clear up, and Uninstaller does the rest.
Bill: So what if it deletes something important?
Ted: Uninstaller won't let you delete critical files. Just the ones you don't need.
Bill: So, you have plenty of space on your hard drive.
Ted: Sure. Uninstaller keeps it that way.
Bill: Think maybe we could . . . use your computer?
Ted: I'll have to kick the kids off.
Bill: Okay with me.
Ted: Let's go.
VO: Clean the clutter out of your PC the fast, easy safe way - with Uninstaller, the choice of over two million PC users! Look for Uninstaller in the bright orange box - on sale now at CompUSA, Computer City, Best Buy, Staples and other fine retailers!
